
Mike Jolliffe
Head of Recruitment
We currently comprise thirty members. Singing four-part harmony, all voice ranges are covered from top tenors to basses. Our repertoire includes songs from West End shows, popular numbers and light classics. We don’t require members who can perform solos but are looking for men who possess a good singing voice that is suitable for a choir. The ability to read music is not essential. We meet for practices at St John’s Church hall above the Terrace in Torquay on Tuesday evenings throughout the year. We perform up to a dozen public concerts annually, mostly in Devon and in so doing help to raise money for various charities and good causes.
You will also find on this website, information on the Musical Director, Accompanist, and Officers. There are also links to the history of the Choir and an extract from our extensive repertoire as well as video clips taken during previous performances.
Excursions are arranged for joint concerts with choirs from other parts of the UK and Europe. Recent trips have included visits to Shrewsbury, South Wales, Hamelin, Berlin and the Rhine Valley. Wives and partners travel with the choir on these visits and join in the fun. There is a Ladies Committee for wives and partners who get together on Tuesday evenings whilst their other halves are practising. The ladies arrange various social functions throughout the year to raise money for Choir funds but basically the main purpose of these is to have an enjoyable event.
The Torbay Police and Community Choir are inviting new recruits to join them.
Anyone interested in joining the Choir is invited to contact Mike Jolliffe for more information and/or come along on to a Tuesday evening practice starting at 7:15 p.m. and don’t worry, there are no auditions!